SFB 1032: Nanoagents for Spatiotemporal Control of Molecular and Cellular Reactions

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Sonderseminar SFB 1032

Prof. Stefan Hecht, DWI Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials & RWTH Aachen University

05.11.2021 15:30  – 17:00 

Title: "Enlightening Materials, Devices, and Manufacturing"
Location: Butenandt-Hörsaal, LMU Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Host: Dr. Oliver Thorn-Seshold (B09)



Using an external light stimulus to control and power advanced materials and devices thereof in a dynamic fashion with superior spatial and temporal resolution offers tremendous opportunities. In this context, molecular photoswitches that undergo reversible changes upon illumination have become key ingredients. However, to develop these systems into high-performing materials and practical applications the switching processes have to be highly efficient and reliable. Both criteria are stringent and necessitate continuing optimization of key parameters, involving spectral separation and selective addressability in attractive wavelength regions that enable sufficient light penetration, high quantum yields for switching in both directions, enhanced (photo)chemical resistance enabling highly repetitive switching without fatigue, among others. Importantly, the photoswitchable systems of choice have to undergo significant changes of a physicochemical property of choice in order to maximize its overall achievable modulation. This presentation will briefly highlight selected examples from our laboratory to illustrate how progress in molecular design can be directly translated into materials innovation, ranging from remote-controlled (self)healing films and rubbers over photoactuating films and coatings to various optically gated electronic devices in transistors, memories, and displays. Finally, we have developed photoswitchable photoinitiators that form the basis for a new volumetric 3D printing method – xolography – that we have recently developed. Fiat lux – let there be light!