SFB 1032: Nanoagents for Spatiotemporal Control of Molecular and Cellular Reactions

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Equal Opportunity

equal_opportunity_kleinThe SFB1032 is based on the belief that every individual should be able to pursue a career according to her/his talents and inclinations irrespective of race, religion or gender.

Our goal is to actively support and promote female researchers in science and to overcome barriers that may exist particularly in combining family and research as well as in dual career constraints.

A higher percentage of female professors and group leaders in the future can be achieved only if adequate structures and support programs for female postdocs and junior group leaders are provided.


Career support for young female researchers

- Individual coachings for female SFB1032 members.

- The SFB1032 can support annual training courses for female scientists financially. In those courses female SFB scientists acquire management skills, presentation skills as well as strategic skills for career management.

- Since women should be present and visible at different career levels, the SFB1032 seeks to increase the number of female scientists on its committees. At workshops and colloquia, the SFB1032 will pay special attention to invite female speakers.

- The university programme LMU Mentoring (women only) provides career support for highly qualified, emerging female academics working toward a professorship.

- The SFB1032 takes part in the Girls' Day every year, which is an initiative of the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung to support girls at a very early level of their careers.